Children who are ill should not be sent to school. If your child develops any contagious illness such as chickenpox/vomiting, please keep them at home. Generally children may not remain in the classrooms during breaks because of illness as supervision cannot be guaranteed.

  1. Parents are asked that teachers be made aware of any physical disability or allergies which their child might have.
  2. Please check your child’s hair regularly for Head Lice. If there is an outbreak of head lice in the classroom, all parents of pupils in that class are informed by note.
  3. Requests to remain indoors at break time should only be made in exceptional circumstances (limbs in plaster, recovering from/waiting for surgery). These requests must be made in writing to the class teacher.
  4. Accidents occur despite supervision. Minor accidents are treated at school.
  5. In the event of an accident/child becoming ill, every possible effort will be made to contact the parents or person delegated to take responsibility for the pupil.
  6. Please complete the form giving details of home/work phone numbers. The school should be notified immediately of change of address and particularly change of phone numbers.
  7. The school will not accept responsibility for any medical expenses incurred.
  8. There is a facility for parents to take out insurance to cover medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident at school. Details of this are given out in September.
  9. If collecting your child at a time other than normal closing time, please call to the reception area where collection will be arranged.
  10. The Midland Health Board carries out medical screenings on pupils during the year for sight and hearing. Consent forms are issued to parents in advance. The following medicals are provided for certain classes: Hearing and Vision/Screening/Dental/Booster 4-in-1 and repeat MMR.