General School Rules

The school sets rules to ensure that children have a safe environment in which to learn and play. The school rules are as follows:

  • I will come to school when I am supposed to and I will be on time.
  • I will stay in school until closing time unless I have a note signed by my parents or they have spoken directly to the school.
  • I will treat everybody in the school with respect and courtesy.
  • I will do my schoolwork and homework to the best of my ability.
  • I will be honest to myself, my teachers and my fellow pupils.
  • I understand that bullying is forbidden-I will not call names, hurt, threaten or ignore others.
  • I will not engage in any behaviour that is hurtful (including bullying, harassment, discrimination or victimisation)
  • I will respect the property of the school and of others and keep my desk, classroom and my school clean and tidy.
  • I will walk quietly and behave properly in the school corridors and toilets.
  • When the bell rings I will line up immediately and quietly in an orderly manner.
  • I will wear the full school uniform as required (Trousers/Pinafore/Shirt & Tie/School Jumper with crest or PE Uniform on certain days).
  • I will behave safely in the playground.
  • I will not use bad language.
  • I will not use chewing gum.
  • I understand the use of mobile phones is forbidden in school or during school related activities.
  • I understand that having or using alcohol, smoking materials, illegal substances or possessions is forbidden.
  • I will follow these rules at all times in the school and on school related activities.
  • Breaches of the school rules (including non-wearing of full uniform) will result in a sanction being applied. In summary behaviour that interferes with the rights of others to learn and to feel safe is unacceptable. Please review our Code of Behaviour information also.

Our school creates a safe and positive environment for your child, you can find about more information about Scoil Bhríde Rathdowney here.